If you choose purity before marriage, you become One without any shame, regret or sexual history clouding your joy. When you have a blank slate, you’re able to make it beautiful together.
After the Breakup: How to Recover from a Soul-Crushing Split
It’s almost the same as going into physical shock: Your brain somehow prevents the pain from setting in right away, despite what you already cognitively know.
To The Girl Who Already Had Sex Before Marriage
I knew something new was coming. I was so ready and excited to destroy the life that made me feel undeserving and shameful and turn it into a distant memory.
“You Can’t Fix Her”: To the Man Whose Wife Has Anxiety
“Anxiety isn’t a one size fits all, it isn’t consistent and it isn’t always easy to tell. You might think she’s just snapped at you, but it was anxiety that did it. You might think she’s angry, but it’s the anxiety that’s got a choke hold. You might think she’s not enjoying herself when you go out and it’s your fault, but it’s not. It’s anxiety.
WATCH: Breathtaking Love Story Reveals Truth Behind Husband’s Devotion for Blind Wife
“I know he loves me,” she says. “Because every time I head off to work, I feel him watching me leave.”
Think Sex Outside of Marriage Is No Big Deal? This Could Change Your Mind Forever
When you hear the real biblical reason behind sex, it’s more beautiful and rich than you could ever imagine. Help us spread the word—share this.