You don’t have to change your life to combat anxiety. Simply start small, and make totally do-able changes to the way you already live.
9 Hobbies That Help Combat Anxiety and Stress
More people in the world today suffer from anxiety than any other illness on the planet. We are perpetually stressed out, and there are tons of ways we allow that stress to fester. Combat your anxiety with these 9 hobbies that are sure to give your mind the release it needs to keep going.
7 Things You Did as a Child Because of Your Anxiety
Some people never experienced anything on this list as a kid, and still, today are the victims of crippling anxiety. Others will read through this list of things people did as a kid because of their anxiety and be raising their hand in agreement saying, “that’s me.”
“I Have Anxiety. I’ve Always Had Anxiety.” – Ryan Reynolds Gets Honest For Mental Health Awareness Month
“I have anxiety. I’ve always had anxiety.”
8 Tips for Surviving (And Thriving) in Major Life Transitions
Transitions are uniquely challenging times. We’re moving from the known to the unknown. We’re stepping out of our comfort zone.
Overcoming Anxiety & Panic Attacks: How I ‘Let Go and Let God’
Know this. Overcoming anxiety IS possible. It can be defeated and you do not have to live in fear. Change doesn’t always happen overnight, but you will get there.