Adapted from Letting Love In, How God Renews Relationships By Crushing Your Inner Critic by Lindsay Morgan Snyder.
“Modest Is Hottest” Is Not In the Bible
“Modest is hottest” is NOT a harmless slogan, and it’s certainly not a holy one, either.
Will Smith: “What Skydiving Taught Me About God”
“You fall out of the airplane and in one second you realize that it’s the most blissful experience of your life. You realize at the point of maximum danger, is the point of minimum fear.”
15 Bible Verses About Loving Others Well
We love because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19)
Porn, Jesus & The Sneaky Way I Gave Up Love Without Realizing It
“Jesus refused to partake in anything that would reduce His experience, the good and the bad, in life and in death.”
5 Things Christians Say That Aren’t Actually in The Bible
These things are usually said with very good intentions and meant as encouragement, but I feel like it’s important that Christians spread biblical encouragement.