If you choose purity before marriage, you become One without any shame, regret or sexual history clouding your joy. When you have a blank slate, you’re able to make it beautiful together.
To The Girl Who Already Had Sex Before Marriage
I knew something new was coming. I was so ready and excited to destroy the life that made me feel undeserving and shameful and turn it into a distant memory.
What are We Waiting For? Finding the Truth Under the Purity Lie
“If you want to keep your heart a live wire instead of a lump of tissue, pain is going to be unavoidable.”
Think Sex Outside of Marriage Is No Big Deal? This Could Change Your Mind Forever
When you hear the real biblical reason behind sex, it’s more beautiful and rich than you could ever imagine. Help us spread the word—share this.
To the Girl Who’s Settling For the Sake of Being Married
I chose to be with men who treated me like dirt rather than choosing to wait on God for the man who would love me like Christ loved the church.