We love because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19)
Why I Waited Until I Was Married to Have Sex
If you choose purity before marriage, you become One without any shame, regret or sexual history clouding your joy. When you have a blank slate, you’re able to make it beautiful together.
WATCH: Moms Behind Bars Share Love Letters to Their Kids
“Mommy is away from Y’all right now, but I’ll be home soon.”
After the Breakup: How to Recover from a Soul-Crushing Split
It’s almost the same as going into physical shock: Your brain somehow prevents the pain from setting in right away, despite what you already cognitively know.
To The Girl Who Already Had Sex Before Marriage
I knew something new was coming. I was so ready and excited to destroy the life that made me feel undeserving and shameful and turn it into a distant memory.
WATCH: Breathtaking Love Story Reveals Truth Behind Husband’s Devotion for Blind Wife
“I know he loves me,” she says. “Because every time I head off to work, I feel him watching me leave.”