It’s so much easier to ignore our calling and chase what everyone else is doing. It’s easier to push away our gifts when they don’t seem to be on trend. It’s easier to not be passionate about certain causes because no one else is. We don’t want to be the outlier.
Happiness Vs. Holiness
The feeling of happiness is based on emotions that can change like the wind, but holiness is a dedicated act of worship day in and day out.
The Comparison Game: When Life Looks Perfect
The dangerous game of comparing our lives to what we see in the lives of others.
Why I Don’t Have Self-Confidence and I Hope I Never Do
It is a somber and humbling reality to come to terms with, to accept and even embrace your own wretchedness… to stop trying to cover up your brokenness or put a good spin on it.
When God Says No—Inky Johnson Reveals What His Career-Ending Injury Taught Him About God
In an instant, everything he’d worked for and accomplished was quite literally, knocked out of him.
Finding Your Identity: 16 Scriptures to Remind You of Who God Says You Are
There is only one True identity that we have to find in this world. Lucky for us, it has been hand-written by the Creator himself.