Most of us live in a culture that glorifies busyness. We stay up late to get things done, then we get up early so we can get to work on time. We try not to think about how little sleep we’re getting, how much coffee we’re drinking, and how tired we feel.
10 Things You SHOULD Say to Someone Battling Depression
Depression tells you you’re crazy. I went to see a doctor about my depression, and they told me, “We don’t deal with mentally ill people.”
Dear Sixteen Year Old Me
Do you have an assignment for school? Is it to write a letter for dear sixteen year old me? Here's a personal letter I wrote to my younger self a while back in hopes that the advice it contains can help some of you. I know this video is different from the kind of content…
Duck Dynasty Star Reveals He Was Sexually Abused as a Child
Duck Dynasty star Jep Robertson opens up about being molested as a six-year-old by an older girl, and what he and Jessica are doing to protect their kids.
Fat Princess: There’s No Such Thing
A princess isn’t a size, it’s a state of mind. It’s loving yourself no matter what. It’s how to see yourself inside. It’s becoming your own princess and not buying into stereotypes. It’s making your own magic!
Why Does God Allow People to Be Disabled or Mentally Ill?
How can we reconcile God’s goodness and perfection with the fact that so much of His creation is broken and wounded?