Do you have an assignment for school? Is it to write a letter for dear sixteen year old me?
Here’s a personal letter I wrote to my younger self a while back in hopes that the advice it contains can help some of you. I know this video is different from the kind of content I normally post, but I really enjoyed making it and I hope you enjoy watching it just as much! – Jennxpenn
Two years ago my life was drastically different than it is today. Every single thing that’s happened to me has since impacted who I am and where I am now and although
I have no regrets, I’ve realized there’s some advice, I was never given that I might have found useful.
Dear Sixteen-Year-Old Me,
That big life-changing decision. You’re trying to make right now go with your gut
Don’t ignore your intuition. It’s never failed you before and trust me. It won’t fail [you] now
Sometimes your heart knows things that your mind just can’t explain oh
And spoiler alert you do end up moving to LA
Life is full of goodbyes and some are harder than others. You’ll say your toughest goodbyes when you move to LA but know that not all goodbyes are forever
You’ll always find time to keep in touch with the people who mean the most to you and from this you’ll realize who means the most to you.
These next two years you’re going to meet some of the best people you’ve ever met in your life. I’m not kidding.
You’ll have your most memorable moments with these people. Have fun.
We’re also going to meet some of the worst. Steer clear of these ones.
Stay focused remember there are people in life who will try to drag you down with them.
Don’t forget where you’re going. Some best friends forever really aren’t forever, but don’t regret the time you spent with them.
They’ve all impacted your life. No matter how long they were in it for even if they condescend.
All you really need is one best friend quality over quantity and that’s for everything in life.
You’ll learn to surround yourself with the kind of people you aspire to be and it will inspire you every single day.
Stop hanging out with that girl who wastes your time and start hanging out with that one who knows what she wants.
Motivation is contagious
You’ll experience heartbreak
and you’ll think it’s the end of the world it’s not and
He’s not worth your emotions. Stop wasting so much time and energy thing about him
You’ll learn the difference between alone and lonely
Dear sixteen year old me. Life’s, not always easy, and in fact it’s about to get a lot harder
It’s going to break you, but you’re going to get through it
They’re not lying when they say it gets better, and I know that’s probably the last thing you want to hear right now
We as people never self congratulate ourselves
But we should start so let me start and tell you that you’ll accomplish things you’ve always wanted to
You’ve worked hard for it, and you deserve it be proud of the things you do and don’t stop now
This is just beginning
You’ll find yourself you’ll learn more about you in the next two years than you’ve ever really known about you like that
You’re still rid of the dark even though you probably shouldn’t be anymore anyway once you find yourself keep being yourself keep creating
Dear sixteen year old me. Keep inspiring and keep dreaming.