How can we reconcile God’s goodness and perfection with the fact that so much of His creation is broken and wounded?
Mental Health
20 Things to Remember If You Love Someone with Depression
Here are 20 simple things we can remember when interacting with those that may be having a fight with depression.
10 Things to Do When Depression Hurts and Threatens to Take You Down
Depression hurts. Here are 10 things to do when you’re feeling physically hurt by depression. There is hope. Never give up.
8 Signs of a Nervous Breakdown
If you or someone you know suffers from a mental illness, it’s wise to know the signs of a nervous breakdown so you can recognize them and stop the emotional eruption before it happens.
5 Things Christians Should Know About Depression and Anxiety
Our culture is riddled with incorrect beliefs about mental illness as it is, but bring prayer, salvation, and well-meaning churchgoers who are clueless when it comes to the realities of dealing with mental illness into the picture, and you’re looking at a recipe for disaster.
High Functioning Depression: 7 Signs You May Have It (And How To Understand It)
Of course, this list cannot diagnose you with high functioning depression, only a doctor can do that. But hopefully it helps you to identify your symptoms and lead you in the right direction of better understanding what you may be experiencing.