So why does the Lord call us to pray, when He already knows the answer? I believe it has less to do with the situational outcome and more to do with our eternal outcome.
9 Reasons The Church Needs More Non-Church People
I don’t want a personal relationship with a God that would lead me to so much hurt and rejection.
Know Your Enemy: 5 Favorite Strategies of Satan
The Bible tells us that our best weapon in the spiritual war is the Word of God itself.
The Church is Not God.
Jesus cared about the oppressed, the abused, those living in poverty, and minorities. But for people reading the news, it looks like the church doesn’t.
Can You Be a Christian AND Have a Mental Illness?
“A lot of times, Christians and churches make it seem like if you are a person who struggles with mental illness, then it’s because your faith is not strong enough, or Jesus isn’t actually in your life.”